Tikz Code Viewer

Source code


% Enrique Acosta
% 2022

\documentclass[border=0pt, 12pt, tikz]{standalone}

% \pgfplotsset{domain = \Min : \Max}

[ axis lines = left 
, width=200pt
, height=300pt
, samples=75 
, xlabel = {infection probability, $p$}
, ylabel = {Chance that person is infected if test is negative}     
, ymin=0
, ymax=1
, xmin=0
, xmax=1
, grid=both
%, xticklabel={$a=(\ln A)/k$}
%, ytick ={1/2,1}
%, yticklabels={$L/2$,$L$}
% , every axis x label/.style={at={(current axis.right of origin)},above right}        
% , every axis y label/.style={at={(current axis.above origin)},above}
, xticklabel={\pgfmathparse{\tick*100}\pgfmathprintnumber{\pgfmathresult}\%}
, yticklabel={\pgfmathparse{\tick*100}\pgfmathprintnumber{\pgfmathresult}\%}
[ color=blue
, domain=0:1
, thick
] {(x)*(1-\SensA)/((x)*(1-\SensA)+(1-x)*\SpecB)} 
  [ above left
  , pos=0.8
  , fill=white
  ]{$f(p)=\displaystyle\frac{\SensAComp p}{0.05p+0.85(1-p)}$};

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