Tikz Code Viewer

Source code


% Enrique Acosta
% 2022

\documentclass[border=1pt, 12pt, tikz]{standalone}



% 1st level
\draw[very thick, blue]%
   -- node[above, sloped, align=center]
      {\textcolor{black}{1st is $\heartsuit$}\\$(1/4=25\%)$} 
\draw[very thick, blue] 
   -- node[below, sloped, align=center]
      {\textcolor{black}{1st is not $\heartsuit$}\\($3/4=75\%$)} 

% 2nd, 3rd and 4th Level
\draw[very thick, blue] 
   -- node[above, align=center, sloped]
      {\textcolor{black}{2nd is $\heartsuit$}\\$(12/51=23.53\%)$}
   ++ (\wideTwo,\distTwo) 
      node[right, align=center, text width=\wideThree]
      {\textcolor{black}{1st is $\heartsuit$ and\\2nd is $\heartsuit$}}
   -- node[below, align=center, sloped]
      {2nd is not $\heartsuit$}
   ++ (\wideTwo,-\distTwo) 
      node[right, align=center, text width=\wideThree]
      {1st is $\heartsuit$ and 2nd not $\heartsuit$}
\draw[very thick, blue] 
   -- node[above, align=center, sloped]
      {\textcolor{black}{2nd is $\heartsuit$}\\$(13/51=25.49\%)$}
   ++ (\wideTwo,\distTwo) 
      node[right, align=center, text width=\wideThree]
      {\textcolor{black}{1st not $\heartsuit$ and 2nd is $\heartsuit$}}
   -- node[below, align=center, sloped]
      {2nd is not $\heartsuit$}
   ++ (\wideTwo,-\distTwo) 
      node[right, align=center, text width=\wideThree]
      {1st not $\heartsuit$ and 2nd not $\heartsuit$}

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